Elon Musk, the owner of X (formerly known as Twitter), is known for his outspoken comments and he recently took a jab at Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Meta. Musk mocked Zuckerberg for not using Threads, Meta’s text-based social media app, enough. Musk compared Threads to a “ghost town” and described it as “eerily quiet.” Additionally, Musk advised Zuckerberg to use his own product, suggesting that it’s essential for a CEO to be an active user of their platform.
Threads was launched in July of the current year and initially experienced significant success with millions of downloads in the first five days and 100 million sign-ups within the same timeframe. However, the app later faced challenges in retaining daily users. Zuckerberg addressed this issue during an internal meeting with Meta employees.
Musk’s comments about Threads came during his appearance on The Joe Rogan Experience podcast. He concurred with the host’s characterisation of Threads as a “ghost town” and remarked that Zuckerberg himself doesn’t actively post on the platform, emphasising the importance of a CEO using their own product.
Zuckerberg’s last post on Threads was about six days before this incident, although he frequently engages with users on the platform, with his last response to a user occurring approximately 12 hours before the report was published.
This isn’t the first time Musk has criticised Zuckerberg’s usage of Threads. In a previous instance in July, a Twitter user noted that it had been six days since Zuckerberg had posted on the app, to which Musk responded by suggesting that Zuckerberg didn’t seem to care much about his own product.
Mark Zuckerberg recently mentioned during a Meta earnings conference call that Threads has “just under” 100 million monthly active users. He expressed his satisfaction with the platform’s progress and outlined plans for further expansion, with a vision of creating a “billion-person public conversations app that is a bit more positive” in the future.