Fendi, the renowned Italian luxury fashion house under the umbrella of LVMH, is set to welcome Pierre-Emmanuel Angeloglou as its new Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Angeloglou, who currently serves as CEO of the LVMH Fashion Group, will assume the CEO role at Fendi starting June 1. He will continue his duties within the LVMH Fashion Group alongside his new responsibilities at Fendi.
Serge Brunschwig, who has led Fendi for over six years, will transition to new roles within the LVMH group, with further details to be announced soon.
Pierre-Emmanuel Angeloglou brings a wealth of experience to his new position. He joined Louis Vuitton in 2019 and held various roles, including director of strategic missions and deputy CEO. In these capacities, he oversaw Louis Vuitton’s men’s products, women’s accessories, digital innovation, and communications and events, collaborating closely with creative directors Virgil Abloh and Pharrell Williams.
Prior to his tenure at Louis Vuitton, Angeloglou spent more than two decades at L’Oréal SA, where he served as the international general manager of the L’Oréal Paris brand. He is a graduate of HEC Paris Business School, class of 1996.