In a groundbreaking study conducted by Mercer, insights from over 12,000 global C-suite executives, HR leaders, employees, and investors shed light on the future of productivity in organisations. The report reveals a resounding consensus among C-suite members, with four in 10 executives identifying generative AI as the catalyst for significant productivity enhancement.
Kate Bravery, Mercer’s Global Talent Advisory Leader and the study’s author, emphasised that while AI is a pivotal tool, the path to productivity enhancement transcends technology alone. Executives are strategically diversifying their investments, with key areas including employee upskilling and reskilling, prioritising physical and mental well-being initiatives, and optimising processes and workflows.
The evolving landscape sees organisations integrating generative AI tools with agile talent models and human-centric work designs. By fostering a deep understanding of skill demand and supply and investing in upskilling initiatives, companies ensure that productivity gains are inclusive and beneficial to all stakeholders.
However, the report also highlights a pressing concern among executives: the rapid pace of technological advancement outpaces the rate of workforce retraining. This sentiment underscores the urgency for organisations to bridge the skills gap and empower their talent to adapt to emerging technologies effectively.
Moreover, there exists a discrepancy in perceptions between C-suite executives and HR leaders regarding priorities for business growth. While C-suite leaders prioritise enhancing the employee experience and employer value proposition, HR leaders emphasise strategic initiatives such as workforce planning and HR analytics capabilities.
Pat Tomlinson, President at Mercer, underscored the imperative for organisations to embrace human-machine collaboration as they navigate the evolving landscape. As businesses transition into an era of human-machine teaming, prioritising the well-being and development of employees remains paramount.
In essence, the report underscores the pivotal role of generative AI in driving productivity gains while emphasising the critical importance of placing people at the heart of organisational transformation. As organisations pivot towards a future of innovation and collaboration, aligning technological investments with human-centric values will be imperative for sustainable success.